Monday, January 4, 2010

Chapter 4

"A Moment of Respite and Recovery"

Upon the return of the heroes to Neo-Mobotropolis, it is decided that everyone should take a break to rest and heal. Asura Vixen, a skilled healer, and James the Raccoon, Surge's adopted son, have their paws full as they go from one person to another. Making things worse is Geoffrey St. John, a skunk and consummate spy, when he comes in, severely wounded himself. Not to be outdone, Fang calls the spy out, getting into repeated bickering matches that wring every last bit of patience out of the healers working on them.

Meanwhile, Tails does some research with the information he had gathered, Sonic tagging along behind and jumpy after his ordeals of the past years. They soon theorize that there's going to be a third robot master of the Robotic Empire - the remaining, upgraded member of the SSSSS Squad - and can only wonder what's going to happen when they confront him.

Without a plan, it's all the heroes can do to try to get some sleep.

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