Monday, January 4, 2010

Chapter 5

"Crusher! The Fight is Brought to the Heroes!"

There is no rest for the weary or the wicked, they say, and so it went.

Behind an army of Phi and a group of Metaldiers, a massive tank of a robot rolled right up to the gates of Neo-Mobotropolis. Sonic spearheaded the counterassault, fighting through Phi robots to get to his metallic clones as Metal rushed ahead. Fang, Tails, and Geoffrey made surgical strikes, assassinating robots through sniping and stealth, while Surge rushed forward to attack more directly, attacking any robot that came to him.

Meanwhile, the titanic Crusher merely watched, issuing his challenge as the "Mechanilord of Justice in the Holy Godbotnik's Empire." He demanded the return of Sonic, but when the heroes refused, Crusher attacked - swallowing Surge and mimicking his electrical abilities! Tails kept out of the fight, unable to help the team other than to point out weak spots as the battle continued. Sonic and Metal teamed up to launch a ferocious assault while Geoffrey and Fang continued their pinpoint attacks and Surge fought back from within.

Just as suddenly as he appeared, however, Crusher left without a word, leaving Surge behind and rolling away on mysterious instructions from Slash...

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