Monday, January 4, 2010

Chapter 7

"No Thing is Sacred"

It was a dark day in Neo-Mobotropolis when Metal, fighting against himself, found himself in the middle of kidnapping Asura and James. Utilizing abilities at another's command that he didn't realize he had, Metal stunned the group and carried the medics away to the Robotic Empire, laying them at Slash's talons before being commanded to return to Neo-Mobotropolis. Upon his return to the base, Metal explains that his free will had been overridden by the only person that could have done so: Tails.

Meanwhile, Slash trades Asura and James off to Koumori in exchange for the White Chaos Emerald, whose mystic energies cause James to tingle and become fluffy. The deal is done, and Koumori leads Geoffrey, Asura, and James underneath the bunker inside his home. His insidious plan is simple: Gather the Chaos Emeralds using James as a detector and his new warship: the Nightmare.

As the villains and their hostages prepare to take off, Tails is forced to prove his innocence, even as he grows more ill from the slow-acting poison. Metal repairs himself, removing the ability to override him as well as limiting himself to his most basic equipment. Sonic demands Fang prepare the Marvelous Queen to go after Asura and James.

Fang refuses.

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